How to make good Notes.
First let me tell, what are the properties of good notes
- Easily understandable
- Easily revisable
- Save time – because you don’t have to read book again for learning them
- Refreshes key points of lecture and book
- Help to learn how to present answer in answer sheet in befitting way, to get more marks.
- It contains collective information of text book, guide books and lecture.
- Increase your interest
- Notes are written in your own hand writing, you feel acquainted to them and you pick up easily.
- It gives you food for thought.
There are two steps in making notes.
- Taking Notes
- Shaping them
Notes are usually taken from lecture of teacher and books or guide books.
Taking Notes from lecture.
- Be alert while sitting in class. Listen to the lecture carefully.
- Write down the key points.
- Write down the technical terms, definitions and important information delivered by teacher. Technical terms and definition are particular, so you should have them in your notes.
- Sometimes teacher give you addition information about a topic which may not be in your text book, do write them.
- Teachers may use table, diagram or chart, a technique made by them to provide you easy approach to learning, do write them.
Taking Notes from text book and guide book.
- If you have both text book and its guide book, it is better you open both for taking notes. Get focused on each sentence while you study.
- Extract key points from each paragraph and write it down.
- Write down the important information from book which helps to remind all the explanation attached to the topic.
- Do write the technical terms used in book, you need to memorize these terms so your notes should contain it.
- Write down the definitions. Definitions are very much important you can write it in your own words but you can’t its idea. So your notes should have them.
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